Friday, April 25, 2008

Worlds Top 10 Romantic painful movies

We know better than to switch on the radio after a break up, because no one wants to hear all those sappy love songs in such a vulnerable state. While movies might be a safer bet with comedies like Forgetting Sarah Marshal to help ease the pain, we recommend any recent dumpee proceed down the video store aisles with caution to avoid our top 10 list of the most painful romances to watch after a split.
1. The Notebook

This one rips your heart out of your chest, throws it on the ground, stomps on it, then picks it up and puts it back in. You think you've been through it all with the tumultuous romance of the young lovers, but once that's resolved, it just gets worse. Suddenly you live the daily torture of a love rendered unrequited by Alzheimer's disease. The movie totally sets you up to know its coming and it still gets you anyway.
2. Say Anything
This may just be the most perfect relationship every imagined, let alone put on film. Lloyd just knows exactly how to make a woman feel comfortable and Diane totally comes out of her shell around him. That's enough to make you feel like crap by comparison, but then the scene where she breaks up with him with a pen is the crushing blow.
3. The Bridges of Madison Country
This may be the only story that actually makes you root for adultery, so much so that you feel bad when they're not able to cheat together. The sophisticated later life romance Robert Kinkaid offers simple housewife Francesca is what she deserves. When they decide they can't betray her family and he hangs the necklace from the rearview mirror, every moment she doesn't jump out of the car and into his arms is painful.
4. Love Story
Well, they tell you right off the bat that she's gonna die, so how happy do you think it's going to be? Along the way, as Oliver and Jennifer make it work despite their vastly different social upbringings, you'll just stew in wonderment of why you can't defy the odds to meet someone who's just as perfect for you. Then you don't even get to keep the fantasy couple because she DIES!
5. Casablanca
Sixty-some years doesn't make it any easier to watch Rick let Ilsa go. Through black and white grainy film and a mono soundtrack, the pain of an unattainable love returning to taunt you with potential stands the test of time.
6. The Full Monty
This is supposed to be totally uplifting and rousing, but for anyone who happens to watch it right after a breakup and will just be obsessed with the married couple. It will leave you wondering, “Why couldn't I find a partner who would love and support me and encourage me to get naked in public” Don't let this weigh on your heart at such an emotional time.
7. Titanic
The most painful thing about Titanic is that it didn't even have to end tragically. It would have been just as good a story if the young lovers on the Titanic floated away to safety and grew up to be 90-year-olds together. But no, they just had to go for the tearjerker, so now the Oscar winner is unwatchable by recent dumpees.
8. All James Bond Movie’s:
On the surface you would think kick-ass action was safe, but the thing about 007 is it just reminds you that you'll either never hook up with as many hotties as Bond, or that you'll never be seduced by a suave gentleman like Bond. We all know it's a total fantasy, yet you don't have all your faculties to remind yourself that you can't measure your life by his standards, so play it safe.
9. Ghost
Talk about two hours of setting you up to cry. You already know he's dead in the first act, but you spend the whole movie hoping they can still be together with his ghostly powers. They even get a moment when he possesses Whoopi Goldberg’s character, but it all just ends inevitably, which will only remind you of how your relationship just inevitably died.
10. The Bodyguard

Obviously, it's not the first film about two lovers who ultimately cannot be together and it is probably not the best, but it just really feels like they should be able to make it work and that bodyguard is just too stubborn. Plus it's got love songs incorporated into the film so that's a double whammy.


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